Cat Goes Fishing Wikia

Normal: "The yellow-bellied Crayfin depends on its Chompy. He is a cautious creature, impossible to catch without showing a gesture of trust."

Extinct: "The yellow-bellied Crayfin used to depend on its Chompy. He was a cautious creature, impossible to catch without showing a gesture of trust."


The Crayfin is a fast-swimming Medium fish that always accompanies its own specific Chompy. If separated from its Chompy it will frantically follow the hook until it loses track of it. It has a teal body with a yellow underbelly.


The Crayfin is located in the Open Ocean, where it is always found in the company of a Chompy. They are usually found at mid-ocean depths, occasionally venturing closer to the surface.

Catching Guide[]

Catching a Crayfin requires a little more planning than most other fish, as under normal circumstances it will never bite the hook. To successfully catch a Crayfin, you must first catch its Chompy and reel it in. After fully reeling it in, throw the Chompy back in the water. Once you have thrown the Chompy back, both the Crayfin and the Chompy will stay near your boat. The two fish will stay slightly apart, giving you a very slim opportunity to catch the Crayfin.

Moving your boat from side to side can be useful in separating the two fish, which is necessary as the Chompy will snap the line if you hook its Crayfin. Like all Medium fish, the Crayfin requires medium or large bait. Once you have the Crayfin's attention, lure it to the surface before reeling it in for the best chance.

Note that if you instead toss the Chompy into your boat, the Crayfin will swim frantically around your lure for a time before swimming away and despawning. In this situation, it is impossible to catch.

Alternate Method

Requires to have unlocked swimming.

First catch the Chompy, and make sure to reel it up. Do NOT toss the Chompy in the boat or back in the water but move your boat to the shore while you have hooked the Chompy. Now press 'Q' and jump into the water near the Crayfin and catch it by pressing CTRL. With this method you can sell both the Chompy and Crayfin in one go.
